《美國醫學會心臟病學雜志》發表了杰出的原創研究、最先進的評論和有益的意見,促進心臟病學的科學和實踐,增進心血管健康,并為衛生保健政策提供信息。《美國醫學會心臟病學》是面向全球心血管醫學臨床研究人員、臨床醫生和培訓生的權威期刊。JAMA心臟病學將關注心血管醫學的所有方面,包括流行病學和預防、診斷檢測、介入和藥物治療、轉化研究、衛生保健政策和結果以及全球健康。編輯團隊。Robert O. Bonow,醫學博士,醫學碩士,西北大學芬伯格醫學院Max and Lilly Goldberg杰出教授,《美國醫學會雜志心臟病學》首任主編。有關《華爾街日報》編輯和編輯委員會的完整列表,請參見下面的編輯和出版商鏈接。期刊出版及編輯資訊。《美國醫學會心臟病學》是一份經同行評審的國際期刊,每周三在網上出版,每月出版一期。初步編輯決定的時間是5天內不審查和34天內審查。所有文章均在驗收后2個月內首次在網上發表。所有研究論文出版后12個月免費在線閱讀。所有文章在出版當天都可以免費訪問JAMA網絡閱讀器。JAMA Cardiology也為合格手稿的作者提供了一個開放獲取選項。有關詳細信息,請參閱作者說明。此外,通過世界衛生組織的HINARI項目,該雜志向發展中國家的機構免費提供或幾乎免費提供。影響和達到《美國醫學會心臟病學》每周為21,000多名心臟病專家提供服務每年有超過50萬人次訪問JAMA心臟病學網站;《華爾街日報》第一年就有超過100萬篇文章被瀏覽和下載媒體報道廣泛,2016年《紐約時報》、《今日美國》、《華盛頓郵報》、NPR、路透社、《洛杉磯時報》等媒體共4972次報道《美國醫學會雜志》心臟病學雜志的前50篇文章中,《心臟病學》在第一年就占據了14%(7)。為您已發表的文章跟蹤的引用次數、Altmetric評分、頁面瀏覽量和PDF下載通過相關評論、作者音頻采訪、電子郵件提醒、Twitter、Facebook、其他社交媒體和主題收藏廣泛傳播國際作者:41%的投稿來自美國以外JAMA Network Reader是一款應用程序,集成了整個JAMA期刊網絡的內容,可以通過任何設備訪問開放獲取合格的研究文章及時的決策和快速的發布時間表高選擇性的同行評審和編輯評價,整體錄取率21%;13%用于研究文章第一次決定時間:8天不接受外部同行評審;35天復習在線先行:所有主要文章都將快速在線先行發表快速發布:在驗收后71天內完成編輯、格式化和發布加快重要臨床試驗和研究報告的評審和發表工作作者服務JAMA心臟病學提供了無與倫比的覆蓋面和作者友好的方法,從稿件提交到出版。遵循最高標準,以提高您所接受的稿件的準確性,可靠性,以及印刷和在線出版的可讀性免費公眾訪問:所有研究論文在《美國醫學會雜志》網絡讀者上發表之日和在《美國醫學會雜志》網站上發表12個月后均可免費獲得開放存取:合資格研究論文的作者可選擇在發表當天立即付費開放存取直接存入PubMed Central:所有直接存入PubMed Central (PMC)供作者使用的研究論文為您的工作機會,以增強與視頻,音頻,專業圖形和插圖CME信貸可提供的主要作者誰發表在JAMA心臟病學在線附加功能:能夠在線發布補充內容,并下載文章的表格和數字作為PowerPoint幻燈片JAMA網絡優勢:不被JAMA接受的論文的作者可能會自動將他們的論文轉到JAMA心臟病學
JAMA Cardiology publishes exceptional original research, state-of-the-art reviews, and informative opinions that advance the science and practice of cardiology, enhance cardiovascular health, and inform health care policy. JAMA Cardiology is the definitive journal for clinical investigators, clinicians, and trainees in cardiovascular medicine worldwide.JAMA Cardiology will focus on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine, including epidemiology and prevention, diagnostic testing, interventional and pharmacologic therapeutics, translational research, health care policy and outcomes, and global health.Editorial Team. Robert O. Bonow, MD, MS, the Max and Lilly Goldberg Distinguished Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, is the inaugural editor in chief of JAMA Cardiology. For a complete listing of the journal’s Editors and Editorial Board, see link to Editors and Publishers below.Journal Publication and Editorial Information. JAMA Cardiology is an international peer-reviewed journal that is published online each Wednesday and in a print/online issue every month. Time to initial editorial decision is within 5 days without review and 34 days with review. All articles are published Online First within 2 months of acceptance. All research articles are made free access online 12 months after publication. All articles are made free access on The JAMA Network Reader on the day of publication. JAMA Cardiology also has an open access option for authors of eligible manuscripts. See Instructions for Authors for details. In addition, the journal is made freely available or nearly so to institutions in developing countries through the World Health Organization''s HINARI program.Impact and ReachJAMA Cardiology reaches more than 21,000 cardiologists each weekOver half a million annual visits to JAMA Cardiology website; over 1 million article views and downloads in the journal’s first yearExtensive press coverage, with 4,972 media mentions in 2016 in outlets such as The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, NPR, Reuters, and Los Angeles TimesTop Altmetric scores among cardiology journals—in its first year JAMA Cardiology has 14% (7) of the top 50 articles with Altmetric scores (measure of news and social media coverage)Number of citations, Altmetric score, page views, and PDF downloads tracked for your published articleBroad reach through related commentary, author audio interviews, email alerts, Twitter, Facebook, other social media, and Topic CollectionsInternational authors: 41% of submissions come from outside the United States150,000 registered users of The JAMA Network Reader, an app that integrates content across the entire JAMA Network of journals and is accessible from any deviceOpen access for eligible research articlesPrompt Decisions & Rapid Publication TimelinesHighly selective peer review and editorial evaluation, with 21% overall acceptance rate; 13% for research articlesTime to first decision: 8 days without external peer review; 35 days with reviewOnline First: all major articles will be published quickly Online FirstFast publication: complete editing, formatting, and publication within 71 days of acceptanceExpedited review and publication for important clinical trials and research to be presented at major meetingsAuthor ServiceJAMA Cardiology offers unparalleled reach and an author-friendly approach, from manuscript submission through publication.Highest standards followed to improve your accepted manuscript’s accuracy, reliability, and readability for both print and online publicationFree public access: All research articles are freely available on the day of publication on The JAMA Network Reader and 12 months after publication on the journal''s websiteOpen access: Authors of eligible research articles may elect to pay for immediate open access on the day of publicationDirect deposit to PubMed Central: All research articles deposited directly in PubMed Central (PMC) for authorsOpportunity for your work to be augmented with video, audio, and professional graphics and illustrationCME credit available for lead authors who publish in JAMA CardiologyOnline extras: ability to post supplemental content online and download your article’s tables and figures as PowerPoint slidesThe JAMA Network advantage: Authors of papers not accepted by JAMA may have their papers automatically referred to JAMA Cardiology
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