The IEICE Transactions provide a forum where members can publicize results of their studies. All the papers published in these Transactions have been submitted by members, reviewed by reviewers, and, conditional upon recommendation by the reviewers, accepted by the Editorial Committee of the IEICE Transactions of each Society after carefully deliberation. As a result, the published papers are all of high quality. The English- language Transactions also include abstracts of the papers published in the corresponding Japanese-language Transactions.A theme is selected for each monthly issue. So, each issue is either a feature issue or an issue containing several papers on the same theme, besides other papers.Florida OJ hosts a limited number of back issues of this journal. The current issue can be found at the publisher's website.Published by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Subject AreaMathematicsPhysicsBiology, Life Sciences and Basic MedicineGeneral Medicine, Social Medicine, and Nursing SciencesClinical MedicineEngineering in GeneralNanosciences and Materials SciencesMechanical EngineeringElectrical and Electronic EngineeringInformation SciencesHumanities and Social Sciences
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