口腔外科、口腔醫學、口腔病理學和口腔放射學是口腔外科、口腔醫學、口腔病理學、口腔放射學或高級牙科全科醫生的必讀課程。它是唯一的主要牙科雜志,提供了一個實用的和完整的概述醫療和外科技術的牙科實踐在四個領域。主題包括當前的問題,如種植牙,艾滋病毒感染患者的治療,評估和治療顳下頜關節紊亂。該期刊為四個學會的官方出版物,建議布蘭登希爾研究中心(Brandon Hill study)為小型醫學圖書館挑選書目和期刊,作為最初購買的指南。在湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)發布的2014年期刊引文報告?(Journal Citation Reports?)中,該期刊在牙科、口腔外科和醫學類別的87種期刊中排名第43位。
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology is required reading for anyone in the fields of oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology or advanced general practice dentistry. It is the only major dental journal that provides a practical and complete overview of the medical and surgical techniques of dental practice in four areas. Topics covered include such current issues as dental implants, treatment of HIV-infected patients, and evaluation and treatment of TMJ disorders. The official publication for four societies, the Journal is recommended for initial purchase in the Brandon Hill study, Selected List of Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library.The Journal is ranked 43rd of 87 journals by impact factor in the Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine category on the 2014 Journal Citation Reports?, published by Thomson Reuters.
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