概述《美容皮膚醫學雜志》是國際美容皮膚醫學學會(IACD)和加拿大美容醫學協會(CAAM)的官方期刊。該雜志出版高質量的,同行評審的文章關于美容皮膚病學的所有方面,旨在促進最高標準的患者護理在美容皮膚病學。《美容皮膚病學雜志》每季出版一次,促進持續的專業發展,并為科學研究和創新技術的交流提供了一個論壇。《美容皮膚病學雜志》加強了業界最好的美容科學與皮膚病學之間的橋梁,為讀者帶來最前沿的信息,組織在以下創新部分:編輯回應-及時評估最新的政策和趨勢化妝品評論-解釋一個有爭議或令人困惑的問題評論文章-提供關于這個主題的最新信息最初的貢獻-同行審查提交案例演示-基于案例照片的專家分析和方案建議給編輯的信-有爭議的文章發表了編輯的答復會議時刻-主要的全球皮膚病學會議的重點期刊創新-尖端技術和工業發展書評-最新文獻的更新美容皮膚病學日記-即將在該領域的會議離別的想法-總結問題的關鍵思想目標和范圍《美容皮膚病學雜志》發表高質量的同行評審文章,涉及美容皮膚病學的各個方面,旨在培養美容皮膚病學患者護理的最高標準。《美容皮膚病學雜志》每季出版一次,促進持續的專業發展,并為科學研究和創新技術的交流提供了一個論壇。覆蓋范圍包括但不限于:健康皮膚;皮膚保養;老化皮膚;光損傷和光防護;恢復活力;健康皮膚的生物化學、內分泌和神經免疫學;成像;皮膚測量;生活質量;皮膚類型;敏感皮膚;酒渣鼻和痤瘡;皮脂;汗液;脂肪;靜脈學;毛發干擾物美容、修復和去除;指甲和指甲手術;色素;心理和法醫問題;維甲酸類;化妝品化學;皮膚藥理學;藥妝;洗漱用品;紋狀紋;脂肪組織;皮膚美容手術;眼瞼成形術;吸脂術;手術并發癥;肉毒桿菌;填充物、削皮和磨皮術;局部和腫脹感知;電外科;激光,包括激光物理、激光研究與安全、血管激光、色素激光、脫毛激光、紋身激光、表面激光、皮膚重塑激光和激光并發癥。關鍵字美容皮膚科雜志,JCD,美容外科,激光外科,皮脂腺外科,美容皮膚科,美容外科摘要和索引信息學術檢索(EBSCO出版)學術搜索校友版(EBSCO出版)學術搜尋總理(EBSCO出版)目前內容:臨床醫學(科萊恩分析)Embase(愛思唯爾)InfoTrac(蓋爾Cengage)MEDLINE / PubMed (NLM)科學引文索引擴展(Clarivate Analytics)VINITI(全俄羅斯科學技術信息研究所)科學網絡(Clarivate Analytics)
OverviewThe Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology is the official journal of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology (IACD) and the Canadian Association of Aesthetic Medicine (CAAM).The Journal publishes high quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of cosmetic dermatology with the aim to foster the highest standards of patient care in cosmetic dermatology. Published quarterly, the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology facilitates continuing professional development and provides a forum for the exchange of scientific research and innovative techniques.Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology strengthens the bridge between the best of cosmetic science available in industry and dermatology to bring readers the most cutting edge information, organized in the following innovative sections:Editorial Echoes - timely evaluation of the latest policies and trendsCosmetic Commentary - explaining a controversial or confusing issueReview Article - presenting the latest information on the subjectOriginal Contributions - peer reviewed submissionsMaster Case Presentations – expert analysis and protocol recommendations based on a case photographLetters to the Editor - controversial articles published with an editorial replyMeeting Moments - highlights from major global dermatology meetingsJournal Innoventions - cutting edge techniques and industry developmentsBook Reviews - updates on the latest literatureDiary of Cosmetic Dermatology – upcoming meetings in the fieldParting Thoughts - summaries of the issue’s key ideasAims and ScopeThe Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology publishes high quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of cosmetic dermatology with the aim to foster the highest standards of patient care in cosmetic dermatology. Published quarterly, the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology facilitates continuing professional development and provides a forum for the exchange of scientific research and innovative techniques. The scope of coverage includes, but will not be limited to: healthy skin; skin maintenance; ageing skin; photodamage and photoprotection; rejuvenation; biochemistry, endocrinology and neuroimmunology of healthy skin; imaging; skin measurement; quality of life; skin types; sensitive skin; rosacea and acne; sebum; sweat; fat; phlebology; hair conservation, restoration and removal; nails and nail surgery; pigment; psychological and medicolegal issues; retinoids; cosmetic chemistry; dermopharmacy; cosmeceuticals; toiletries; striae; cellulite; cosmetic dermatological surgery; blepharoplasty; liposuction; surgical complications; botulinum; fillers, peels and dermabrasion; local and tumescent anaesthesia; electrosurgery; lasers, including laser physics, laser research and safety, vascular lasers, pigment lasers, hair removal lasers, tattoo removal lasers, resurfacing lasers, dermal remodelling lasers and laser complications.KeywordsJournal of Cosmetic Dermatology, JCD, cosmetic surgery, laser surgery, cutanaeous surgery, aesthetic dermatology, aesthetic surgeryAbstracting and Indexing InformationAcademic Search (EBSCO Publishing)Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)Current Contents: Clinical Medicine (Clarivate Analytics)Embase (Elsevier)InfoTrac (GALE Cengage)MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Science & Technological Information)Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
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