Turkish Journal of Geriatrics is the official publication of Turkish Geriatrics Society and is published four times a year. Official language of the journal is English. All the manuscripts must also have Turkish Title (Ba?l?k), Key Words (Anahtar S?zcükler) and Abstract (?z).Turkish Journal of Geriatrics invites submission of Original Articles based on clinical and laboratory studies, Original Case Reports, Letters to the Editor and News and Announcements of congress and meetings concerning all aspects of Geriatrics, Aging, Gerontology and related fields. Review Articles are published only after the invitation from the Editorial Board.Turkish Journal of Geriatrics is a peer-reviewed journal and is devoted to high standards of scientific rules and publication ethics. The Editors of the Journal accept to follow 'Editorial Policy' of the 'Council of Science Editors' ( www.councilscienceeditors.org/).Any article published in the journal is also published in electronic format and is shown at http://www.turkgeriatri.org or http://www.geriatri.dergisi.org/
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