《營養進展》雜志成立于1999年,是一份獨立的多學科雜志,致力于研究營養和代謝問題。意大利營養科學學會(SISA)的官方期刊,由營養和食品研究協會(ARNA)贊助。2001年起由摘錄協會Medica/Scopus編制索引,2008年起由湯姆森- isi編制索引:科學引文索引擴展(SciSearch?);具有影響因子的期刊引用報告/科學版。營養方面的進展采用雙盲審查。評審員不知道作者的身份,而作者也不知道評審員的身份。每期文章的總數量至少有三名或更多的審稿人。每一份手稿至少要提交給一位科學評審。這些評審人員各自向編輯提交一份對作品的評價,指出不足之處或問題,并提出改進建議。通常,大多數裁判的評論最終都會被作者看到。評論者對作者保持匿名。編輯在將一項決定提交給作者(通常是連同審稿人的意見一起)之前,要評估審稿人的評論、審稿人對稿件的看法,以及期刊的范圍、圖書的級別和讀者的背景。評審人員的評估通常包括對如何處理手稿或提案的明確建議。審稿人的角色是咨詢性的,編輯通常沒有接受審稿人意見的正式義務。
Progress in Nutrition was founded in 1999 as an independent magazine, a multidisciplinary approach, dedicated to issues of nutrition and metabolism. Official journal of the Italian Society of Nutritional Science (SISA) and sponsored by Nutrition and Food Researchers Association (ARNA). From 2001 is indexed by Excerpta Medica/Scopus, and from 2008 is indexed by Thomson-ISI: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch?); Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition with Impact Factor.Progress in Nutrition employs double-blind review. Reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There are at least three or more reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue.Every manuscript is submitted at least to one Scientific Referees.These referees each return an evaluation of the work to the editor, noting weaknesses or problems along with suggestions for improvement. Typically, most of the referees' comments are eventually seen by the author. Reviewers remain anonymous to the authors. The Editor evaluates the referees' comments, her or his own opinion of the manuscript,and the context of the scope of the journal or level of the book and readership,before passing a decision back to the author(s),usually with the referees' comments.Referees' evaluations usually include an explicit recommendation of what to do with the manuscript or proposal. The role of the referees is advisory,and the editor is typically under no formal obligation to accept the opinions of the referees.
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