《西北動物學雜志》(North-West.J.Zool.)是羅馬尼亞Oradea (HCO)爬蟲學俱樂部的官方動物學和動物生態學雜志。它是由一群年輕的研究人員(博士和博士生)于2005年創建的,他們認識到有必要在羅馬尼亞創建一份新的同行評議的科學雜志。他們還認識到,有必要讓研究人員能夠以看得見的方式迅速發表他們的研究成果。自其形成以來,西北。在網上免費發表論文。North-West.J.Zool。目前每年出版兩期(6月和12月),但編輯們正在努力使每年出版的期刊數量增加到3期。此外,這將取決于提交的高質量稿件的數量。從2007年起,編輯們推出了“網上第一”,以方便更快速地顯形接受稿件。North-West.J.Zool。最近被ISI報道,這是ISI在羅馬尼亞唯一的生物學雜志。美國國立大學研究委員會(National University Research Council)編制了n.n.c.s.s.索引。在“A”類中,我們的期刊獲得了羅馬尼亞科學論壇對所有羅馬尼亞生物學期刊的最高認可。《地位》雜志的這些新變化對該雜志發表的論文的質量施加了一系列進一步的責任。這一責任將體現在高質量的評審過程和論文驗收后較短的發表時間。每篇論文將被發送給至少兩名獨立審稿人。如果審稿人之間有不一致之處,將會要求第三位審稿人對稿件進行審核。由于審查過程是一項費時耗力的工作,編輯們將通過完全尊重他們的建議來承認他們的努力。《華爾街日報》將定期列出評審人員的姓名,并在另一份備注中確認他們的工作。如果提交手稿的作者向編輯委員會推薦三位在其論文領域得到國際認可的研究人員,編輯們將不勝感激。這將有助于審查進程。建議評審人員的詳細信息如下:姓名、電子郵件地址、機構和工作領域。編輯有權選擇是否推薦審稿人。此外,如果編輯認為一篇論文不能發表,那么它可能會被拒絕。在準備稿件時,作者應仔細檢查“作者須知”部分。
The North-Western Journal of Zoology (North-West.J.Zool.) is the official zoology and animal ecology journal of the Herpetological Club of Oradea (HCO), Romania. It was founded in 2005 by a group of young researchers (PhD and PhD candidates) that recognize the necessity to create a new peer reviewed scientific journal in Romania. They also recognized the need of giving possibility for researchers to publish their research quickly, and in visible way. Since its formation, North-West.J.Zool. make the papers published available online without fee. North-West.J.Zool. is currently published two times every year (in June and December) but the editors are working in the possibility for increasing the number of issues to three per year. This will moreover depend on the number of high quality manuscripts submitted. From 2007 the editors introduced the “online first”, to facilitate a more rapid apparition of the accepted manuscripts. North-West.J.Zool. was recently covered by ISI, by this being the only biology journal covered by ISI in Romania. C.N.C.S.I.S. (The National University Research Council) have indexed N.West.J.Zool. in the “A” category, our journal receiving by this the highest recognition from the Romanian scientific forum from all Romanian biology journals. These new changes in the journal “status” impose a series of further responsibilities regarding the quality of the papers published in this journal. This responsibility will be reflected both in the high quality review process and the short publication period after the paper acceptance. Each paper will be sent to at least two independent reviewers. If there are inconsistencies between the reviewers, a third reviewer will be asked to review the manuscript. Since the review process is a time and energy consuming work, the editors will acknowledge their effort by respecting their proposals entirely. Periodically, the journal will list the name of the reviewers, acknowledging them their work in a separate note. The editors will be grateful if the authors that submit manuscripts propose for the editorial board three internationally recognized researchers in the domain of their paper. This will facilitate the review process. The following details of the proposed reviewers should be mentioned: name, e-mail address, institution and the domain of work. The editors have the right to choose or not the proposed reviewers. Moreover, a paper may be rejected if the editors think that it is unacceptable for publication. When preparing the manuscript, the authors should check very carefully the “Instruction for authors” section.
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