Limnetica發表了關于內陸水域生態學的原創研究論文。 Limnetica的范圍包括河流,湖泊,水庫,沿海瀉湖和濕地的生態,以及生物地球化學,古生物學,新方法的發展,分類學,生物地理學以及理論和應用的大陸水生生態學的任何方面,如管理和保護, 影響評估,生態毒理學和污染。 Limnetica將接受其出版的科學文章,介紹知識或技術發展方面的進展,以及從該期刊所涵蓋主題的新實踐方法中獲得的論文。
Limnetica publishes original research articles on the ecology of inland waters. The scope of Limnetica includes the ecology of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, coastal lagoons and wetlands, as well as biogeochemistry, paleolimnology, development of new methodologies, taxonomy, biogeography and any aspect of theoretical and applied continental aquatic ecology such as management and conservation, impact assessment, ecotoxicology and pollution. Limnetica will accept for its publication scientific articles presenting advances in knowledge or technological development, as well as as papers derived from new practical approaches on the topics covered by the journal.
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