J.UCS - The Journal of Universal Computer Science - is a high-quality electronic publication that deals with all aspects of computer science. J.UCS has been appearing monthly since 1995 and is thus one of the oldest electronic journals with uninterrupted publication since its foundation. There are four categories of papers in J.UCS:(a) Research contributions: This is the rule, and the majority of papers will be in this area. Papers of this category will be accepted only if they contain innovative results. The length of the paper must also be taken into account. A short paper is acceptable with fewer innovative results than a longer paper. Research contributions should not be combined with more "survey type" material than is necessary for the paper. Note that research contribution can be reports of projects, if the project has resulted in sufficiently many clearly stated innovations or new results.(b) Notes: Short research contributions with usually a single but interesting new idea, result or innovation.(c) Surveys: Usually longer papers, do usually not contain any or much original research but are judged on whether they are well written and give an unbiased and complete survey of the topic at issue.(d) Papers on J.UCS: These are papers that explain improvements or changes in J.UCS. In this case they may or may not contain novel material. They should be judged on whether they are well-written and understandable and whether the innovative features and changes in J.UCS -something one can usually try out and test- are indeed of interest to at least some parts of the J.UCS community.
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