波動和噪聲字母(FNL)是唯一的。它是唯一的波動和噪音的專業雜志,它涵蓋了整個科學領域的一個完全跨學科的方式。從該領域的頂尖科學家中挑選編輯,保證了高水準的評審和編輯判斷。FNL對基礎科學和應用科學都給予了同等的重視,“字母”這個名稱是為了表示發表論文的速度,而不是對論文長度的限制。該期刊使用在線提交,并提供即時在線發表已被接受的論文。一般來說,FNL對關于隨機波動的跨學科文章很感興趣。例如:隨機共振等噪聲增強現象;1 / f噪聲;散粒噪聲;漲落耗散;心血管動力學;離子通道;單分子;神經系統;量子漲落;量子計算;經典和量子信息;統計物理;退化和老化現象;滲濾系統;社會制度的波動;交通;股票市場;環境和氣候;等。FNL還鼓勵公開的公開辯論。我們鼓勵對發表在知名期刊和雜志上的重要成果持批評意見的科學家向FNL提交評論或說明。這些論文以加速編輯程序出版,以促進該領域的生動辯論。
Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL) is unique. It is the only specialist journal for fluctuations and noise, and it covers that topic throughout the whole of science in a completely interdisciplinary way. High standards of refereeing and editorial judgment are guaranteed by the selection of Editors from among the leading scientists of the field.FNL places equal emphasis on both fundamental and applied science and the name "Letters" is to indicate speed of publication, rather than a limitation on the lengths of papers. The journal uses on-line submission and provides for immediate on-line publication of accepted papers.FNL is interested in interdisciplinary articles on random fluctuations, quite generally. For example: noise enhanced phenomena including stochastic resonance; 1/f noise; shot noise; fluctuation-dissipation; cardiovascular dynamics; ion channels; single molecules; neural systems; quantum fluctuations; quantum computation; classical and quantum information; statistical physics; degradation and aging phenomena; percolation systems; fluctuations in social systems; traffic; the stock market; environment and climate; etc.FNL also encourages open public debate. Scientists with critical views about important results published in high-profile journals and magazines are encouraged to submit a comment or note to FNL. These papers are published with an accelerated editorial procedure to facilitate lively debate in the field.
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