Cerne is a journal edited by the Federal University of Lavras, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, which quarterly publishes original articles that represent relevant contribution to Forestry Science development (Forest ecology, Forest Management, Silviculture, Technology of Forest Products).Submitted manuscripts must be written in English, be original, and be in accordance with the journal's standards and not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Its content (data, ideas, opinions and concepts) is the sole responsibility of the author(s). When necessary, it must be attested that the research in question was approved by the Ethics and Biosafety Committee of the institution to which the author responsible for the manuscript submission is linked to.By submitting the article, the authors agree that the copyright of the same is automatically transferred to the Journal Cerne. Authors can use the article after publication, without the prior permission of Cerne, as long as publication credit is given to the Journal.
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