《公共資金與管理》被澳大利亞商學院院長理事會(Australian Business Deans Council)評為a級期刊,表明它在該領域的排名很高。《公共資金與管理》(PMM)是一本廣受尊敬的國際期刊,涵蓋公共服務領域的金融、政策和管理問題。PMM由CIPFA于35年前創立,旨在通過國際研究對國際實踐產生影響。Andrew Massey教授是PMM的編輯,Andreas Bergmann教授是副編輯,Lord Bichard是編輯顧問委員會主席。PMM對于學術界、政界人士和政策制定者、咨詢師和顧問、各類公共服務組織的從業者、記者以及學術和專業課程的學生來說是一個寶貴的資源。PMM出版的論文和文章提供了新的知識,作為政策或管理改進的基礎,或反映了公共服務管理和財政方面的證據。PMM的論文由學者和實踐者嚴格評審,以確保其影響和質量。編輯們歡迎來自廣泛的國際視野的貢獻,這些貢獻提供批判性的檢查或進行比較分析。為了維護我們讀者的利益,編輯們在PMM中尋找主題和地點報道的總體平衡。如果對某一領域特別感興趣,PMM就會出版由該領域知名專家客座編輯的主題刊物。PMM的主題具有很強的時效性和國際性。更多信息請聯系執行編輯:ml@michaelalavender.com。
Public Money & Management is recognised by the Australian Business Deans Council as an A-rated Journal, signifying that it is highly ranked in its field. Public Money & Management (PMM) is a highly-respected international journal covering finance, policy and management issues in public services. PMM was started over 35 years ago by CIPFA to have an impact on international practice through international research. Professor Andrew Massey is the Editor of PMM , Professor Andreas Bergmann is Deputy Editor and Lord Bichard is Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board. PMM is a valuable resource for academics, politicians and policy-makers, consultants and advisors, practitioners in all types of public service organizations, journalists, and students on both academic and professional courses. PMM publishes papers and articles which contribute new knowledge as a basis for policy or management improvements, or which reflect on evidence from public service management and finance. PMM 's papers are rigorously refereed by both an academic and a practitioner to ensure impact and quality. The editors welcome contributions from a broad international perspective, which offer critical examinations or undertake comparative analyses. In order to maintain the interests of our readership, the editors look for overall balance in coverage of topics and locations in PMM . Where there is particular interest in one area, PMM publishes themed issues which are guest edited by a well-known specialist in that area. PMM 's themes are highly topical and have international application. For further information contact the managing editor: ml@michaelalavender.com.
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