《哈佛國際法雜志》是由哈佛法學院的學生運營和編輯的一份國際法律學術期刊,每兩年出版一期。《國際法學刊》是“歷史最悠久、引用次數最多的學生編輯的國際法學刊”。在2011年的期刊引文報告中,該期刊被評為全球十大最具影響力的法律期刊之一該雜志涵蓋國際法、比較法和外國法、國際法在美國法院的作用以及美國國內法的國際影響。它還出版學生撰寫的關于國際法最近發展的著作和該領域新書的評論。美國最高法院、歐洲法院、國際法院、伊朗-美國索賠法庭和世界貿易組織爭端小組的決定都引用了《華爾街日報》的文章。該雜志的網站包括《哈佛國際法在線雜志》(Harvard International Law Journal Online)和《國際法文摘》(ILJ Digest),前者刊登學者、執業人士和法律專業學生撰寫的較短文章,后者是一個不斷更新的國際法發展博客。該雜志還主辦各種演講和研討會。
The Harvard International Law Journal is a biannual academic journal of international law,[1] run and edited by students at Harvard Law School. The Journal is "the oldest and most-cited student-edited journal of international law."[2] The Journal was ranked as one of the 10 most influential law journals in the world, based on research influence and impact factors, by the 2011 Journal Citation Reports.[3][4]The Journal covers international, comparative, and foreign law, the role of international law in United States courts, and the international ramifications of U.S. domestic law. It also publishes student-written work on recent developments in international law and reviews of new books in the field.Articles from the Journal have been cited in decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States, European Court of Justice, International Court of Justice, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, and World Trade Organization Dispute Panels.The Journal's website includes the Harvard International Law Journal Online, which publishes shorter articles written by scholars, practitioners, and law students, and the ILJ Digest, a continuously updated blog of developments in international law.The Journal also hosts various speakers and symposia.
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